
Script Interpretation and Text Analysis

“As a rookie actor, I was nervous if I had the chops for this class. Not once did I feel embarrassed due to my lack of film and/or theatre history. In fact, it was the complete opposite; Carole is the straight-shooting, intelligent, sweet, funny Jewish nana you wish you had growing up. She has an encyclopedic knowledge of film and theatre and shares it with joy. That is the spine of Carole – truth in acting, being true to yourself. And that was one of the main tenants of this class-figuring out the spine of each play or film. We discussed the motivations, desires and obstacles each character faced in the script and how the actors went about it. We were given one piece to read each week and then we watched, sometimes multiple versions, of how each actor portrayed their own truth. Carole is an inspiring teacher who somehow brings out who we want to be – our higher selves. What more could you ask for? I highly recommend her class to anyone who wishes to explore the gifts of film and theatre, really to anyone who wants to explore themselves.

Rob Kimmelman, Actor, Real-estate broker

This class was a delight. Each week brought unexpected discoveries as the actors and directors transformed words on a page into compelling characters and story on the screen. Having the scripts and screen plays well in advance of each class enabled us to really focus on the film. I was struck by the learning that occurred simply by watching and listening. Carole did not disappoint. She painstakingly prepares for each class and always brings her love of film and theatre to the classroom. It really boils down to reading followed by focused watching and listening. Then this magical thing happens and you have these new insights into acting.

-Patti Howard, Actor, Portland

The Script Interpretation & Text Analysis workshop was a very engaging experience. We studied a different film each week, all adapted from books or plays, and compared clips from different versions. Carole has interviewed a lot of actors and directors and offers a studied examination on the approach an actor takes based on the material, direction, and who they’re acting with. For every film, she had chosen key scenes to focus on. We broke down the emotional beats from moment to moment. I’ve always loved watching films and studying them. In this workshop, I became attuned to certain aspects of performances I wasn’t aware of before. The part I appreciated most was seeing how much a character can change simply based on whoever is playing the part and what they bring to it. For example, we watched the version of Death of a Salesman with Lee J. Cobb, and then watched clips from the Dustin Hoffman/Volker Schlondorff t.v. film, and an extract from Brian Dennehy’s interpretation.

The workshop was a very casual, low-pressure environment. Everyone was invited to participate.

Among the films/plays we covered were Splendor in the Grass, A Streetcar Named Desire, The Postman Always Rings Twice, Days of Wine and Roses (both the original Playhouse 90 version and Blake Edwards’ film,) The Seagull, Long Day’s Journey into Night, Death of a Salesman, and Hamlet.

Carole provides a welcoming, challenging and stimulating environment for anyone interested in the craft of acting, writing, directing, and everything in between.

-Ben Starkey, Filmmaker, Portland, Oregon

Private Actor Coaching

Carole’s joy when teaching and directing is infectious.  She will guide, assist, and support your growth as an actor.  The first thing I noticed in the year that I’ve been working with Carole is her quiet patience and love of acting. She constantly seeks out new ideas through reading, attending plays, watching films, and taking classes, and always shares what she’s learned. Carole brings a wealth of information and knowledge to each coaching session, acquired from her years of teaching and mentoring students.

Patti Howard, Actor, Portland

Carole’s classes were well organized and her quirky sense of humor added to my enjoyment of her class. Carole’s honest enthusiasm and sincerity as well as extensive knowledge made for a great experience. Having the opportunity to work with Carole has brought insight to my character development process. Her constructive criticism and analysis would benefit any actor.

Ethan LaFrance, actor, dancer, singer, Portland, Oregon

Carole has a wealth of knowledge regarding acting, film and theater, and is eager to share it with her students. She will reference relevant passages, scenes, and personal interview experiences to help students connect to their scene work. Carole is able to draw from various methods to find a technique that will work for each student in the moment to discover something about their character. Her excitement is infectious. She assigns real, written exercises as homework and I am excited to do my work and get to my next class.

Janet Scanlon, actor and consultant for applied improv workshops and leadership development, Portland, Oregon


I have taken Carole’s Meisner Workshop and Scene Study Class. It was an enriching and insightful experience, especially from a film director’s point of view. Her knowledge, critical eye, and emotional intelligence made this a very valuable and beautiful teaching and acting lesson. I only can recommend Carole’s workshops, whether you’re starting out or you’re a professional in the acting or directing scene. You will have no regrets, only the wish to study with her again as soon as possible.

Ragnar Keil, Film director and Producer, Montreal

Working with Carole has been a life altering experience. She is a truly gifted teacher , overflowing with brilliance and magnetism. Her intuitive ability to clearly understand what’s needed to move an actor to the next level of their craft is incomparable. Carole creates a supportive and inspiring environment that fosters creativity, sincerity and risk-taking. After only a few classes with Carole, I’ve already seen a transformation in both my personal awareness and inner growth, as well as my acting skills & ability. I’m filled with such gratitude and praise for Carole; she’s a wonderful person!

– Gabriella Kirby, actor, Portland, Oregon

My interest in taking Carole Zucker’s workshop was to expand on my understanding between actor and director. The experience far exceeded my expectations, giving me insights that will positively impact on all the relationships in my life. Carole creates a compassionate, non-judgmental environment where she generously offers her vast experience for each actor to hear and take in. The transition of each actor in just 6 weekend sessions – from day one to the last day – is inspiring. It resulted in each of us fully participating in every moment, expressing ourselves directly, honestly and without limitation.

Carole is truly a gift to Portland’s acting community!

– Jim Lowry, filmmaker, videographer, Portland, Oregon

As a non-actor, but someone who instead is exploring acting as a late-in-life unfulfilled passion, Carole’s Intensive Meisner Technique course was a fantastic first exploration. I appreciate Carole’s extensive experience, her fair and honest critique, and her ability to leave room for all attendees to respond to and learn from each other. By the second class, I definitely felt a bond forming among our group, and by the end of our three weeks I think we had a shared experience that will never leave us, regardless how we choose to apply it in our lives. Meisner is not for the faint of heart; it requires commitment to oneself and to the group. I recommend this technique for serious explorers and learners, and highly recommend Carole’s course, in particular.

– Heather Pamplin,Program Manager, Portland, Oregon

There are only so many moments in life that you look back on as fundamental, where you are fully alive and aware – Carole Zucker’s workshop is one of them.

-Adam Budd, filmmaker, Saskatchewan, Canada

Carole’s class left a major mark on my life. It propelled me through a roller-coaster of challenging emotions that, ten years later, continues to resonate in my personal and professional world. Carole’s approach was memorably sensitive, earnest and motivating!

-Coleen Ayoup, National Film Board Women’s Unit, Documentary filmmaker, Montreal, Ryerson University, Toronto.

Doing Carole’s workshop rewarded me a million times over. You get to understand that it’s not the text you act ─ it’s the emotions. Because of Carole, I began to grasp that it was okay to be upset, to be scared, to be wrong. Carole was there when we succeeded, and let us how important our success was; she took all of us into her warmth and kindness.

-Florence Vallières, playwright and film student, Montreal

Carole’s workshops were an experience that dramatically changed my life. Carole is absolutely generous in sharing everything with her students; she is an instinctive and charismatic mentor. Her brilliant talent is to perceive what is hidden behind the surface and to open the door to the unknown.

-Tatiana Soukhova, graduate student, Montreal

Carole Zucker’s acting workshops reveal her deep insights into the art of acting and of being human. Her extraordinarily intelligent, wise and gentle guidance throughout the workshop teaches you how to be “in the moment.” How to listen to your deepest dreams and desires, and how to be courageous enough to follow where they take you.

-Hanna Laakso, Ph. D., Co-ordinator, Ars Mondo, Helsinki, Finland/Positano, Italy

Scene Study

Carole Zucker changed my life. Her workshops have inspired me on so many levels. Carole is full of life and spunk, and there is never a dull moment in her presence. She is non-judgmental and honest with her students and encourages their strengths and helps them with their weaknesses. Take her workshops and HAVE FUN!

-Micha Lazare, actor, New York

Carole makes no pretenses about her class being a launch pad to stardom, or a networking place, or some kind of seminar on the business – and does not see herself as an acting guru of any kind. What she does is sit back, watch, listen, and then tell you exactly what she saw up there. Hers is an eye trained by years of observation and deep thought on what it is we do, and there is no hope of fooling her, of charming her, of getting away with anything but being true on stage. She points out falseness, or where you went off-track, but without letting her ego get in the way. For Carole, the work is the thing. She teaches you to respect that, and when you do, no one is more excited by the inevitable result than she. Thank you, Carole.

-Scott Clarkson, actor, Toronto

Carole helped me to understand the process of acting and the difference between performing and being. Carole is a generous, sensitive and talented person, a mentor, who guides you to achieve the most brilliantly simple moments of “just being” on stage.

-Gina Haraszti, filmmaker, Budapest/Montreal

Carole’s classes and teachings provide what any true actor needs – how to read between and underneath the lines of any script. Working scenes in Carole’s classes was always exciting. Carole has a way of instinctively knowing which buttons to push and which walls to break down in order to bring out your best. Carole’s Classes Rock!!

-Sora Olah, television presenter and actor, Toronto

I thought I was getting into this workshop to be a better director and actually the class made me a better person. Carole is such a capable guide; she keeps the class honest and authentic. She knows when to push you to go where you’ve always secretly wanted to go, and she’ll do it with generous encouragement and a wicked sense of humor. It’s a liberating space that Carole creates, and you simply have to trust her.

-Nika Khanjani, filmmaker, Texas, USA, and Montreal